This Ramzan I could pen down ten best ways to eve tease,
thanks to my frequent visits to Jama Masjid. This place had more innovation in
those terms than any other that I have visited. This, however, was not all that
this month was about. This month softened me from inside towards a people I
have known less. One of the most profound acts that the Masjid played on me,
left me free of inhibitions towards its people. I was deeply touched when a
small group of skull cap and white kurta clad send over a fruit to me at iftaar
time through a little child. Such acts continued on other days and I felt so naïve
in having lived in stereotypes about people I did not know. In my mind, these
little acts of goodness that impulse delivers through us is what human goodness
must be about.
Typically, I should thank a friend for asking me to frequent
that place with her for working on a photo essay about the month. But it comes
across to me as an act that must happen in any case. People who make it happen
are only instruments in the hands of time. And so my gratefulness takes a
backseat and what clouts me is the marvel at the goodness of impulses. The
series of photographs that I created there is a dedication to all the wonderful
spirits who let the goodness live in them. You can see the images at the following link: