Tuesday, May 19, 2009

You know what matters the most to me? What those, who I be myself with, think about me. I have always been accustomed to people hating me. And I have rather got used to it. It is not me who can change their view, I have concluded. Because if I decide on doing that, I will no more be living a life I want for me. Dying in the race to please people I am sure to lose my mental peace.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ever since my college has begun, there have been some random and some gradual changes in my life. With a year about to complete I have here, my lost and found list:



My thoughts

My ego

My senses

My belief

My solitude

My peace


A college

An identity card

A bakery

Phase II

The driver in me

Sleepless nights



Thumb ring

Saturday, May 9, 2009

i see a god in every child!