this is a common sight in India, where inspite of the development that takes place...somethings remain unchanged. this is one of those things. we talk about providing electricity to the villages and we plan mega electricity projects, but we overlook the hazards and inconvenience that external wirings cause to the residents.WELCOME TO INDIA!

We, in India, may fast be adopting ourselves to the changing times, but for the lower class which constitutes a majority of our population, this means of transportation proves to be a feasible low cost transportation. It is no style statement; it is the reality in India.
Hi, this a good post.. Dont know why bicycles look so embarrasing in India.. In other places still students and even a lot of people use bicycles.. But i guess its the make.. If you stick to the old fashioned bike...it is embarassing...
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ryt...and its probably our inability to create our own style statement out of the way we are!
Got a point there...our inability... actually hardly anyone takes initiative though.. Thanks for dropping by my blog...
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